Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Decided to put something new up here. Undecided as to what.

-Stolen from www.dumdeedum.com (don't ask how I found this website. All I'll tell you is I'm prone to googling whatever's going through my mind, just to see if anyone else thought of it, too, and wrote it down)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Guess what day it is, guessguessguess

Yes, 'tis my birthday. Me is 15.

My mom was cleaning out some drawers or something and found a notebook she had when I was a wee little baby.

"May 15- since 1 week ago, often goes from sitting to front. Stays on hands and knees a few seconds. Wriggles forward half a metre with great effort, then gets frustrated. [...] Babbles "La la la la la"."

Hear that? "Babbles"! Aren't I cool.