Friday, November 23, 2007
I've been at school for nine hours... Aaaahh!!!
I'm supposed to be doing my computation homework, but I've been in the computer lab for three hours, my brain turning to mush over programming. And it's not even real programming, it's a program for people to learn programming (no, it's not ironic. It's stupid).
You have to make a little blue arrow called Karel do stuff, including -but not limited to- spinning around a square, getting out of a labyrinth, and various other life skills which are likely to get you out of a pinch ("OMG! The ship's on fire and all the crew are dead! Who can make Karel go clockwise round a figure that is any size and any shape, leaving a beeper [a little dot] at every corner??? Karel begins, facing any direction, at the bottom-left corner of the figure!! Hurry!!").
So anyway, I'm taking a break, because I deserve it. Really! I'm the only one of my friends (I don't care/know about the rest of the people here) who's been able to finish a program that actually works for any figure. That's right, congratulate me.
Aah... I'm bored... and I'm not supposed to be using the computer for personal stuff, but I'm sure an exception can be made for my mental health, because if I go at this any longer I may go insane. Surely it's okay?
I'm still bored, though.
Thank the Friday God it's Friday.
My least favourite day is Wednesday, because I get in at seven and out at two, plus I don't have any free periods (actually, I do have one, but it doesn't count because I usually spend it doing homework for other stuff) and I have really boring classes, one of which is Orientación Educativa (I don't know what that class is called in English). All we do is sit around and, as my friend just paraphrased nicely, "Uh... nothing. Oh, wait, read the textbook". Said book talks (writes? reads?) about adolescence, and drugs, and how to know what we want to study, a bit of history of the UNAM, and other tidbits that we already know.
And after these boring (boringboringboring) classes, I have to lug my tired body all the way upstairs (stairs!) to go to sculpture, which was actually a really bad choice of class for me to make, because I've discovered that I really suck at sculpting. For example, last week I made a butterfly out of plasticine, and my own mother thought it was a pelvis.
Monday, November 19, 2007
La Física o el blog? hmmm...
Bien, ahora escribo en español porque me da flojera hacer la tarea de Física ( ya casi la acabo, pero mi motivación para terminarla se agotó, así que tomaré un breve descanso) y de todos modos, tenía intenciones desde hace tiempo por escribir en este bello idioma que los españoles vinieron a imponerles a los indios hace años junto con tantas otras cosas, como los teléfonos celulares y la revolucionaria idea de ponerle azúcar al chocolate para que además de antioxidantes, aportara calorías y carbohidratos.
Y ahora les hablaré de mi maestra de Física. :D
Antes que nada, déjenme decirles que esta maestra de hecho no me cae mal, es sólo que tiene un carácter muy (¡muy!) fuerte y por eso es un excelente tema de conversación.
Ah, ¿cómo comienza uno a describir a tan complicada persona como ella? Claro, se comienza por el nombre. Rosalina. Después se siguen por los apodos; el más cortés y respetuoso viene siendo "la vieja loca", como ella misma nos lo ha dicho incontables veces (o sea, tres).
Uno de los hábitos de Rosalina es, después de entregarnos nuestras tareas recién calificadas, repetir las "porquerías" y "estupideces" que los pobres alumnos escribieron (no pongo las comillas en "porquerías" y "estupideces" porque no lo sean -lo son-, sino porque son citas textuales). Nos pone en evidencia.
Por ejemplo, más o menos cada dos semanas nos deja un artículo de alguna revista de divulgación científica, y nosotros tenemos que leerlo, subrayar lo más importante, redactar una síntesis, escribir las tres ideas centrales, y concluir con nuestra opinión.
Lo más difícil de todo esto son las ideas centrales. Si tienes suerte, le atinas a dos. Regularmente, los mortales (léase: los no-matados) sólo le atinan a una. Tener todas mal también puede pasar, pero esto con menos frecuencia, y generalmente indica o que la desvelada te afectó o que de plano estás bien yo-no-escribo-groserías-aquí-pero-empieza-con-pe.
"...Y la señorita [ah, porque eso sí, todos somos señoritas y señores] *inserte apellido aquí* no le atinó a ninguna de las ideas, pero me puso en la opinión personal que el texto es maravilloso, que está muy interesante, que esto y que lo otro, y que a la primera leída sacó todas las ideas principales. Yo le anoté ahí, 'Ah, ¿y por qué no las pusiste?' "
...vaya, pude haber acabado mi tarea hace dos horas si no fuera por mi inmensa falta de autocontrol (por no mecionar el hecho de que la tarea que tengo que hacer es increíblemente aburrida. Increíblemente, ¿entienden? Significa que no lo creerían; no creerían lo increíblemente aburrida que es la tarea que tengo que hacer, y por lo tanto tampoco yo lo puedo creer, porque ustedes son todo el mundo, y yo formo parte del mundo, así que yo soy ustedes y por lo tanto yo no soy yo).
Necesito dormir. Dormir, y una clase de lógica ...Y quizá un café y una dona. Claro, un masaje no me vendría nada mal, ¿saben? Nada mal. Y uno siempre puede usar un poco más de dinero...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Well, I have, but not anything I'd like to share with you people. Heh.
Let's see...
According to everybody except the calendar ("everybody" being commercials on TV and mall decorations of creepy Santa-shaped robots that do creepy Santa-shaped robot things), Christmas is just around the corner- only a few dozen days left! This means I should go and buy Christmas presents for other people and possibly-well-actually-probably myself before the rest of the mindless sheep that inhabit this (ugly) city figure that, hey! That ad on TV- my bestest buddy- says that if I buy a lot of stuff, maybe it will turn out that Santa didn't really drown in that melting iceberg after all. And of course, if TV says something, it must be true and thus obeyed swiftly and with joy. Where was I? Oh, yeah, before the flocks of sheep flood the shopping malls.
Huh. I started this about four hours ago, got bored, and watched Naruto instead. Might as well post it, anyway.
Other things I did in those four hours:
- Made instant soup
- ate instant soup
- ate an english muffin
- gave a friend a piece of my homework (not literally)
- scratched my back
Okay, I'm going to watch more Naruto.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Today I was walking in a country club I sometimes go to, and I ran into a cat. It's a white cat with a black spot on its head, between its ears.
The first time I met that cat was about two or three weeks ago. I was also walking that time, and heard somebody going "mew! mee-eeeew!". I went over to where the sound was coming from to conduct further investigation, and saw the cat. I know I've said before that I don't like cats, and that cats don't like me, but that cat was being all friendly with a woman that was trying to shoo it away from her son ("Don't touch it! It'll pounce on you!") and then followed some women that went by, coincidentally also with a little boy ("Don't touch it, it's dirty!"). However, the whole time it was glancing back at me and looking freaked out. When it was just the cat and me, it started to walk away really fast, looking scared. I didn't have anything better to do so I followed it, and after a while it figured maybe I wasn't going to kill it and make myself a cat-hat. So it sidled up very carefully and made me scratch its ears. I spent about half an hour with the cat, and then went home.
And then today I saw it again; it must have remembered me, because it looked at me and went "meow!" all happy-like, and went over to where I was. Then it stood on its hind legs and made me scratch its ears again.
I still hate cats, just not all of them now. The white cat is called Momo-kun.