School was canceled on Friday and won't start again till May 6th (at least), and it's a bad idea to leave your house (and even worse to do it without a face mask). The school thing's not that bad, actually, because I had three final exams scheduled before the 6th. Now I can study a lot more for them, whee.
My whole family's read this book aaand this book. If you're too lazy to read the summaries, all you need to know is that the moon crashes into the earth and its gravitational pull changes: everything on the coasts floods (eg., New York is under water), volcanoes all over become active and turn the sky permanently gray which in turn leads to dying crops and extremely low temperatures. So the vast majority of the world starves and gets the flu. And then dies.
So what did my family do in the face of the beginning of the end of the world? Duh! We went to Costco, bought a ****load of food, and then hurried home to shut ourselves at home.
I cannot tell you how sorry I feel for Anne Frank, and not just because she's
So I'm getting kind of sick of being here all day, every day. Especially because if I sneeze it's like playing 20 questions (Are you okay? Have you been feeling sick at all? Have you been sneezing a lot?). No, I don't have frigging influenza.
And okay, it's not THAT bad, but seriously. Gaaaaaaarggghhh. Also, April is pretty much over and it's not faaaair, 'cos this month there are discounted National Geographic DVDs, and I only got three. Boo. Also I totally wasn't able to celebrate Earth Day.
Stupid pigs.
..well, no, poor pigs. Little piggy-wiggies.
It's not all bad, though! Let's list the advantages brought by our voluntary quarantine:
- As mentioned above, I have way more time to study. Also, there's nothing else to do, so studying is actually pretty fun to do (wait, what?)
- I got to spend some quality time with my sister watching zombie movies.
- I can spend all day in my pajamas without worrying that somebody will drop by unexpectedly.
Well, it took me about fifteen minutes to come up with that list. That's really all I can think of.
Oh, well. Now that I've had my teenagerish whining session, I can go to sleep, knowing that this is up here for the whole world to see. Not that the world is looking this way.