When I was about eleven, I really wanted a bunk bed. It was just the coolest thing: Two beds! On top of each other! WOW! So after much nagging, my parents finally conceded to getting me a bunk bed. I was ecstatic, especially considering that up until then I'd been sleeping on my mattress. On the floor.
So we got to the furniture part of a department store, aI picked out a bed, my Mom bought it, and I went home with my new best friend. No, I'm kidding. But I loved my bed. It totally rocked, up until a year ago when I suddenly started to kind of hate it. It takes up so much space! It blocks the light from the window! I have to host people when they sleep over (I mean my cousins here, not my Dad's colleagues)! Also, the design isn't exactly pretty. Actually, it's kind of ugly, although it doesn't stand out much because it's in neutral tones (brown blotted with black).
And here are some great strong guys who we know through the gym, moving stuff around in exchange for pizza. SCORE!
Long story short, I took my bed apart (except for the last four screws, which someone else did, and one part where my Mom helped me lower the top bunk onto the floor) and they moved it to another room. And then they moved in the bed I have now, which is Irene's old bed. It groans, creeks and squawks like a champion, but I don't care. It's nice and small and goes with my room, plus it has a little bookshelf as a headboard, so now I have a place to properly display my Godzilla figurines.
Oh, and I can put books there, too!
The one downside is that the first time I lay down on my bed and looked up, I FREAKED out. The ceiling was soooo far away! For almost half my life, my ceiling has been less than a meter and a half away when I go to sleep. Now it hovers way above me. It's like looking down and realizing that the floor has moved down several meters, and you're hovering in the air about to fall. Except I feel like I'm going to fall up.
One upside to this bed is that it gave me a kick to start organizing my room. I'm taking a good look around and noticing things that had just sort of become part of it, and had never considered getting rid of: I don't need a drawer exclusively for my Harry Potter magazines anymore, for example. Or the french pronouns I taped on my wall three years ago. Or my cheap samurai sword (what do I do with that?). Or my Darth Vader helmet.
PSYCHE! Vader stays. He'll always have a special place in my heart.