My mom and sister went to visit my other sister in Canada, so it's just my dad and me at home. And the dogs, of course. And the cleaning lady, occasionally, plus her daughter and her daughter's son who plays on the Wii and lurks in corners*. Empty nest.
So I've been watching things with my dad. We watched two movies the other day, and I watched him fix the dining room table's wobbly leg, and I watched him look at his computer while we ate, and he watched me play (and lose at) Mario Kart.
Yesterday he and I also went to the market to buy supplies for our contribution to the family Christmas lunch/dinner. We bought ingredients to make stuffed poblano peppers. My grandma called on Friday and when I answered the phone she said,
"Hello? Señora?"
"No, grandma, it's me, Lalli."
"Señora, I was wondering if you could make some stuffed poblano peppers for Monday."
"Um, okay, but I'm Lalli."
"...oh, Lalli!"
I gave the phone to the cleaning lady and she said, "It's for your dad."
My dad was on the phone for about fifteen seconds before saying goodbye and hanging up, then turning to the cleaning lady and saying that it was my grandma asking if she could make some poblano chiles. It struck me as very roundabout.
Monday (today) is the 24th and the cleaning lady said she could do it very speedily in the morning and then go home to her own family, so my dad and I bought all the stuff to make it quicker for her.
We also got a piñata and some candy. The piñata was big and bulky, and we had to stuff it into a taxi to get it home. A few peaks got a little bent and some of the crêpe paper tassels stayed behind in the taxi, but it ended up fine in the end. Maxie sniffed it when we got home, but kept walking away and pointedly ignoring it when I tried to take her photo with it. In the end I had to bribe her with a piece of rawhide and even then she wasn't cooperating. I pointed at a spot right next to the piñata and was all, "Sit!". Maxie gave me a puzzled look, like "But... there's a spiky thing where you're pointing. I'm gonna sit over here so I'm not next to it.". I picked it up and moved it a little closer to her and she got up and walked her tail right over to the porch. That dog.
*Well, whenever I see him it's because he's popped around a corner. I never walk into a room and see him already in it; he's always on the move, that kid.