The Geography teacher who taught us in first year told us she would give us extra points each bimester if we gave her enough empty chip bags. Explanation: She found out about this thingy where people take chip bags and weave them into purses. When you give them chip bags, they give you money. So she used extra points as an incentive for us to run around and collect other students' garbage for her. I never joined in- I didn't need the extra points- but a few people did. Not that many, though; at least, not as far as I remember.
This year, however, she has many newbies doing her bidding. Today, there were about five, maybe seven, firsties crowded around the trash can, fighting ferociously over chip bags (they tried to snatch mine before I could bat them away, seeing as I did want the remaining half of my snack). Afterwards I had an idea: I snuck up from behind and waved the now empty bag over their heads. Half a second later three hands shot up, and a quick scuffle insued. A winner was proclaimed.
Then inspiration struck. First, a friend and I got a chip bag. Then, we got Emmanuel, who is really tall, to go over and wave it above the kiddies' heads. The firsties, being firsties and therefore short, couldn't reach the bag. They immediately moved their position from a ring aroung the trashcan to a ball around Emmanuel. They shoved him off, and after a few meters, he ran, the bag high up over his head, to where Rodrigo was, the firsties hot on his heels. He had just enough time to stuff the bag down Rodrigo's sweater before they attacked.
The whole thing happened very quickly, and it was absolutely hilarious.
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