Today I went to the orthodontist, so naturally I was not in good spirits. You see, one is never really very happy when--- oh, stuff it.
There. You must understand that I needed to get that out of my system.
I feel so happy right now, I could... um, do something that shows I'm happy. Oh, I could kiss you. Yes, that would do (unless you're Michael Jackson. That would definitely not do. P.S., Mike, if you're reading this, please do not touch your nose anymore. Nobody wants to see that. No, really. Nobody.)
So there I was, at the orthodontist, and she was poking around in my mouth as usual, when she suddenly whipped out some menacing pliers (pliers, you say? Yes, I also thought there must be something less primitive she could use. Oh, well) and, chomp! Half of my top braces were gone. Then she stops and tells me to wait a moment, walks over to her desk, and puts on some music.
Let me seize this chance to mention that my orthodontist has a very peculiar -albeit good- taste for music. Last time I visited, it was tribal music. This time it was popular music from the 1940s.
Then comes the bad news. Two years of retainers.
But still, until Friday, I don't have to think about that. Teehee.
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