Friday, September 21, 2007

Of cats and doodles


You're supposed to say "Hello" back to me.

Out loud.


Excellent. =)

Last week I was going to write and tell of my tales of adventure and bravery, chivalry and love, passion and rescue, tyranny and niceness, birthdays and cats, and nobody's reading this anymore, but I think I got distracted... oh, yeah, I watched anime instead. Short attention span, you see.

Anyway, I'll tell you about the cat.

So there I was. Walking along the street on my way back from the papelería ("papelería" literally means "paper shop". They're these little stores that sell notebooks and pens and markers and photocopies and plastic notebook cover-thingies and big sheets of paper that are about a meter long and son on. Anyway, I went to one of the many (many many many) papelerías that surround the Prepa, and on my way back to school this cat that was sitting on the sidewalk looked up and hissed at me.
I have a little history with cats, but in a nutshell, I hate them and they hate me.
So this cat thing looks up and hisses at me and... well, the next bit is a tad strange... but,I mean, there was nobody watching (except my friend named Fabio, The Sparkly Pink Gecko Lizard, who was invisible at the moment so he doesn't really count) so I kind of stopped and hissed back, imitating the sound it had just made perfectly.
Well, Catty looked all shocked and insulted and went, "Meow! Hissssss", and then he went over to me and started rubbing his body against my legs. And he wasn't even touching me with his head, so he wasn't marking me with his scent or sniffing me with his ears or whatever it is that they do.
And he just stayed there for ages, rubbing and rubbing, and I figured that hey, maybe he didn't hate me. So I reached down to scratch his wee head, but I had only moved my arm a fraction downwards...
..and his head snapped up, and his face contorted as if to say "Oh my GOD, those legs were YOURS?!" and then he promptly darted away to a corner and stared at me sullenly.

I hate cats.

And to finish off this quick little incoherent posty-thing, I leave you with some doodles I doodled in Math class, together with the guy who sits next to me. I don't know his name, but he's nice. And he likes Math.

I shall explain the doodles. First you've got some binary stuff that's boring because it's easy (I mean, binary. Pfft. Although now I hope I didn't answer it wrong, or I'll look stupid). Then there's some spiral things, and a cat with a blob head (by the guy. I'll just call him Guy, 'kay?) and over to the right there's a little Domo-kun that Guy added ears to, and under that an evil worm, and next to the worm a snail. And to the left, at the bottom, are some pigs.
Oh, and the stuff in green at the top are some quotes from my History teacher:
"Pretend that the [Berlin] wall is over there, on Plolongación División del Norte (a street) next to the Burger King..."

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