"2007? Of course I remember! That was the year _____"
and thus be able to conclude that it was a cool year with lots of memorable stuff.
Except the blank is still blank. I mean, sure I could fill it up with bad stuff (I started at a new school where I was socially disadapted and didn't actually make new friends so I frantically clung to the ones I already had, my laptop died, I got addicted to anime and thus have wasted countless hours, I failed three classes [trimester, not the whole year... yet], my dog punched me, I tripped, and a bunch of other stuff that didn't get written about because they're too complicated, too personal, I never got around to it, I forgot them or were simply too boring). But bad stuff is not what I'd like to remember a whole year by. You can't always have what you want, though, so I guess that's that. 2007 sucked.
But seriously, I can't think of anything outstandingly good that's happened.
Oh, well.
I never got around to my resolutions. And I quote:
Try to pay attention in certain classes (Key word: try. Hee hee hee).
Well, I suppose I did try, regardless of the fact that I didn't actually do it. Okay, then. Check!
Get more money... somehow.
Oh, I did! I spent it all at anime conventions, though. Check!
Sleep more.
That would be hard to not do. I probably slept less than I did last year, but I did, technically, "sleep more". Check!
Buy a monkey and name it Morrison.
Failed miserably. Not check.
Water my plants before they start to shrivel up.
I actually did try to take care of my plants, so I took one, watered it, and set it outside so that it could get some real sunlight, because in my room -where it normally resides- it doesn't get much light.
The thing is, I forgot it was out, and it rained.... and, well, it's a desert plant. That didn't go well. That was a few months ago, maybe in September or so. Anyway, it's almost recovered. Ummm... Half-check, because I tried.
Hm. 3.5 out of 5. That's not actually that bad! Okay, the final verdict on this year is:
It sucked, I wasn't particularily happy a lot of the time (in fact, I spent a good portion of time feeling really miserable) although I guess it had its moments, like all those times in secundaria when my ex-classmates threw garbage at each other, or when my sister and I freaked a few people out by dancing energetically in a public place... twice. The worst bit, all in all, was preparation course for Prepa. Sitting in an ugly little room, listening to the Chemistry teacher make strange and unclear analogies, the Math teacher explain simple stuff and make it seem hard, the Civics/History teacher hold long and pointless conversations with my classmates, the Physics teacher explain the only suff I already understood (I still don't know how he did it. I'm a total klutz in Physics, and yet he found my tiny enlightened patch of knowledge, and didn't expand it at all), the Geography teacher explain elementary-level stuff, and sitting on a bench by myself for 20 minutes at recess because all the other students were busy fiddling with their cell phones. The whole time, every time. I swear, I felt like putting them in a little pile and then jumping on them (the phones) because their owners spent every spare second -literally- playing with them, comparing them, talking about them...
Oh, and about my Math teacher from that course... sometimes, her son would act as a substitute teacher and make really basic mistakes while explaining stuff. I remember once he looked at the board after doing something wrong and said, "Wait, that's not the right answer... Uh, can anyone find the mistake?" Due to my superior brainpower (mwahahaha) I'd known it was there all along, but decided not to say anything and see how long it took him to figure it out. He never did, and neither did my classmates.
I got sidetracked there.... Anyway, what I was saying was, 2007 overall wasn't that bad... I guess. I now await 2008 and any surprises it might have in store for me, like passing Physics with a perfect 10 or maaybe winning the lottery.
1 comment:
Conosco el caso de unos tipos en Texas, que compran todos, o la mayoria, de los billetes de la loeteria local. Invierten ,juegan y ganan,son muchos billetes, pero casi siempre ganan.
Creo que de mis actividades favoritas, mas que salir ala calle, es dormir. ja!
Yo también quiero un ipod, pero a mi solo me regalaron una toalla
( con hojitas de maple,por cierto, rojas así bien canadiense la toalla) mmm solo eso.:(
Creo que en verdad me porto mal, pero ya para el próximo año...giño giño..., me portare deveras bien.Si!!! (claaaaro)
Feliz Año Laly!
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