Thursday, January 17, 2008

I swear I am never going to get ehough of this

The first five times I watched that I could NOT STOP SQUEALING. Like a pig. Or Like Timmy the sheep, who is in a tizzy. That's why the video is called "Timmy in a tizzy".

I swear this is what I feel like when I can't find Ricky (have I ever written about him? I think not. He's my stuffed toy raccoon who has been with me about half my life and is now in a rather deteriorated condition, which doesn't mean he's any less cute).


Anonymous said...

He he he! Lovely music.

Andrea said...

Ah, yes, but even lovelier sheep. What gets me is the little "Oh!" sound he makes when he gets his teddy (who knew sheep had teddies? I would've thought they used a different animal)

Ricky said...

I love you too!