Thursday, January 17, 2008

This is how it should have gone...

Me: Hi. :(

Mom: Oh, hi! You don't look so good. How was your day?

Me: Well, you know that Physics exam I was studying for all day... I missed the bus and got to the classroom at 7:01 and, well, the teacher had already closed the door. I would be a fool to knock, especially because she seems to like me (that sounds weird, but she puts more pressure on smart people, so it really isn't that strange).

Mom: Uh-oh. So, you didn't write the exam, then. How much was it worth?

Me: 50% of this trimester's grade. And I was doing really well, too, until just now. If I'd written the exam, I probably would've gotten an 8 average.

Mom: Oh, that's too bad... You failed last trimester too, right? If you do really well next trimester will it average out and give you a passing grade?

Me: No. Even if I get a 10 next time, I'll be just short of a 6. I can still salvage myself with the final exam, that's a big chunk of our grade.

Mom: Well, you should start studying for that now, that way you'll remember things better. Was anybody else late?

Me: Yeah, we were seven people... except all the other people were failing anyway, and only one other girl studied. When she got there I was already sitting outside the classroom, and she almost started crying when she got there and the door was closed. Then some of her friends got there, and they were talking about how they were failing a bunch of stuff, and it was just as well that they didn't make it to the exam because they'd get a zero either way. This somehow seemed to cheer them up (kind of stupid, really, but whatever) and then they went to buy waffles. The other people who were late were a guy that spent the whole time fiddling with his guitar, another who was doing homework for the next class and some other guy who chatted the whole time with some of his friends.

Mom: So, why were you late? You left early!

Me: It's because you walked me to the bus stop... I wasn't taking that into account, since I usually run by myself.

Mom: Either way, you should have allowed extra time for things like that. So, what did you do? Homework?

Me: No. I sat there moping for an hour and a half before Nancy showed up and asked me how the exam went. She thought I'd already finished it because I was sitting outside the classroom...

Mom: Oh, that's just too bad.

Me: :(

...and this is how it went:

Me: Hi. :(

Mom: Oh, hi. You're home. (continues fiddling with computer)

Me: ... (goes away)


Anonymous said...

Tsk, pity. I've just passed through a similar problem with my Logica teacher, he wrote on my exam: "Reprobado" because I gave him the exam one minute later! Made my complete "berrinche" and called my mom to talk with that fuc***ng ba*tard.

Andrea said...

Oh, so THAT'S why you failed. I wondered.

And? Did it work, or does your teacher hate you now?

Reyna said...

Ah, child. Imagine you sent your poor offspring to school every day: we ALWAYS come home looking like roadkill.

Anonymous said...

Today the teacher told me "Hey, I'm going to count your exam, at the request of your classmates." My heart felt good. But I had to eat my nerves again, he told me he is gonna give me the results until tomorrow.