Recognize that? Naota says it in the second episode of FLCL.
So, I've been neglecting Monsieur Blog for a while, but it's only because I've been busy, see? Going to school and doing homework and watching anime
Anyway, on Thursday I went with some friends to a museum and a book fair. The book fair, actually. Because it's the biggest & best in the country, I think. Or maybe it was second-best, I forgot. Anyway, it's big. So I took some photos, which I will share with you only because I like you and because I'm really too lazy to write much at the moment. Plus I'm busy... productively observing an important part of the modern culture of the nation of the rising sun while I eat frozen mango cubes.
Well, it isn't actually a photo of the book fair. It's of the subway on the way back.
And this one is of my friends being monkeys on the kiddie games that some genius put, like, ten meters away from the main entrance (and the only one, if you don't count jumping the fence or the one for cars) to the school. There's a sign that says
"Exclusively for children"
which would make you think that we're not supposed to use them (plus two of my friends got chased away once), except somebody had a marker along with a bit of wit and some free time, so the sign now reads
"Exclusively for children and young adults"
so it's okay now. Although really, kids shouldn't be allowed there because it's not really well-made (or finished, for that matter- it's stayed the same for a few weeks now). It wiggles considerably, plus it has no ladders or anything. And there are nails sticking out. And the platforms are way too high for anybody who would fit in the tube-thing that you're supposed to climb through. Oh, and about the tube, it kind of got vandalized and now bears a somewhat, ah, rude warning about what awaits anybody who manages to wiggle into it. Oh, and there's some broken beer bottles mixed in with the pebbles, which is okay if you don't crawl around on them, I suppose.
Oh, and there's a nearby slide that got bent out of shape and spanks you when you reach the bottom.
Just sayin'.
Oh, and there's a nearby slide that got bent out of shape and spanks you when you reach the bottom.
Hola, ¿puedes poner un link que vaya hacia mi blog? Necesito hacer promoción de él. Es:
Ya puse uno en el mío que viene hacia acá.
Thank you.
A la orden! (Aunque no sé cuánta gente vaya adesde mi blog al tuyo, dado el número de lectores que tengo... XP)
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