Friday, May 30, 2008


In exactly one month we get to see what groups we'll be in next year at school. It got me thinking, what will I do if I end up with a bunch of people I hate? Not that I hate a lot of people, but there's easily 30 or so people that I don't want to see every day, whether I hate them or not.

Using the probability skills that I learned in primary school (I have a box with four red marbles, two green marbles and a yellow marble. What are the chances that it will rain today?), I'll end up with about two of those people. That's a way bigger chance that I'll end up with any of my friends.

Aaaargh. I'll just have to wait and see. Dammit, why does it take so long to sort us?

On another note, today I went to Mexico City's kind-of-sad version of Chinatown. It's one measly street with about 10 stores and 10 restaurants (NOTE: If you were thinking of going there, by all means, do! It smells lovely and you can buy Japanese, Chinese and Korean candy due to the fact that the Mexican concept of "Chinese person" is "squinty-eyed", and therefore our Chinatown isn't actually Chinese. And I only saw like 2 Asians running shops).

I bought strawberry-flavoured gummies and ate them in a nearby park while 3 people came up and asked for money, tried to sell us flowers, chocolates and so on.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


This is my Daddy. (it's in Spanish.)

I guess he found it Googling himself, unless a student forwarded it to him or something.

Personal(ish) message to Daddy: Next year I'm going to do it SO MUCH better.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Often I'll sit down and start writing a post, only to never finish it or decide I don't like it... or, in the majority of cases, get distracted and leave it hanging mid-sentence so that by the time I get back to it I can't remember what it was that I had planned(ish) to write. Actually, about one-tenth of the things on my post-list page thing are drafts. Huh.

Thus, for your enjoyment, I have dug up a few old posts that never actually made it and sat around labeled as drafts.


From January 11th:

Oh, this sucks. I'm back in school, and I've only had one decent night's sleep (well, almost decent. I didn't actually get eight hours, it was more like six and a half, plus a half-hour nap on a couch in a moment of weakness).

Anyway. This year I thought instead of making resolutions, I would make predictions. That way, I won't feel guilty when I don't accomplish anything.

Predictions for 2008

1. I will keep on being a freak-magnet (out of four guys I've accidentally attracted this school year- that I know of, anyway-, three of them were twits. It's not that much numerically, but think of it this way: that's 75%)

2. I'll teach my friends to play Mancala.

3. I will grow 5 cm, it's now or never. I WILL GROW.

4. Oh yeah you're pretty good looking... for a girl, my future's wide open. But this feeling's still gonna linger on until I know everything I need to know now! *dances on the inside*


What I can say about those predictions, so far, is:

1. True, true, true, TRUE! School year now officially over, the final results were 10 guys total, out of which:
-80% were, uh, not welcome
-30% were stalkers (one especially gets an honorable mention for being a pest)
-20% were successful

2. Failed, so far

3. Up till now, I've achieved 0.5cm. Only 4.5 to go!

4. That's a piece of a White Stripes song I was no doubt listening to at the time and that I am listening to again, right now (Yeah, you're pretty good looking, for a girl, but your back is so broken. And this feeling's still gonna linger on, until the year 2525 now...!)


From December 27th, 2007:

I was just looking through some suitcases my Dad left on his bed and I found some really yummy Japanese chewing gum. It's like, lemon-mint or something. Mmm.


Man, that was good gum.


UPDATE: I was sitting here, passing the time with my good old iMac and a great big jar of Nutella when my Dad popped by and was like,

"I was reading your blog."


"... 10 guys!"

"... hn."

"But one of them seems to be keeping you very busy!"


"Is he nice to you?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Good, good." And he ruffled my hair.

Because obviously the rest of the post doesn't matter AT ALL, and actually neither does the blog for that matter. Nor, you know, the fact that I went through his suitcases.

Which is not that bad.

Actually I think it was more like my Mom was reading the blog to him, because I distinctly heard "Pancakes, not pancakes. Oh, no, it's 'pancakes', not pancakes. Heh! Did you hear that? Jorge? Pancakes!"

Damn, a mosquito bit me. Byotch... oh, there it is! ...

... mosquito-byotch has been terminated (that, or it made one hell of a fast getaway and is now living in Texas under a false name)

Holiday goals - progress report #1

Progress on goal No. 1:

"Cook food. Actual food, not just brownies and cookies and so on. I want to try making dumplings, at least, because it's been ages since I had any and they're supposed to be really easy."

Yesterday I made pancakes! Which is not baking because they're made on a stove, yay!!!
Although maybe I should say "pancakes" instead of pancakes. Because...'s not really what you'd call a pancake, under normal circumstances. Even though they tasted ok.

I don't get it, though... last time I made them, they were pretty, even, golden, round and delicious...

Oh, well. Next I'm gonna try dumplings!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The weather matches my mood

which is "stupid".

i.e., the sky is gray and smoggy and gross, and it's raining except not hard enough to be cool. And the bell from the school that I can see when I look out the window just rang, which means that all those little kids full of innocence, and all those little kids who are not innocent because they're pervs even though they're so tiny, have once again returned to the classroom, now that their recess is over.

Although come to think about it, OH MY GOD! A TUFT OF MIST JUST FLOATED PAST THE WINDOW, THAT'S AWESOME BECAUSE MIST IS COOL, it's actually not that bad because MORE MIST!! the teachers in that school won't let you get wet when it rain, HEY, THAT'S NOT MIST, THAT'S SMOKE BECAUSE SOME IDIOT IS BURNING GARBAGE! DO THEY KNOW THAT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE DON'T NEED?? TO SMOOSH THE LAST BIT OF LIFE OUT OF OUR PLANET???!!, they make sure to keep you nice and dry (and bored and miserable).

I know all this because I went to that school for primary, and last year I took an Ecology class.

Right. So anyway, I feel stupid because I just did something very mean to my best friend.

Which means that I woke up two hours after I was supposed to meet her and take her to the University so that we could go to my sister's Astronomy class taught by a relatively famous Physicist who my friend admires a lot. Two hours.

So I called her and said sorry, do you feel like punching me?, how long did you wait?, 45 minutes?? Oh my god, I'm reallyreallyreally sorry!, and so on.

And she wasn't even mad (or wasn't letting it show): hi... punching you? just a bit, not really... it's fine, it doesn't matter... honestly... yeah... ok then, bye.

After which I curled up in a ball and wailed like a dying kitten, or like my cell phone when it's almost out of battery.

You see how sweet that human is? How could I have done such a thing to that adorable person?


EDIT: I just realized that this is post #100!!! Which is kind of sad, that my 100th post is one where I'm telling you all how stupid I am. But still,

100 POSTS FTW!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Holiday Goals

  1. Cook food. Actual food, not just brownies and cookies and so on. I want to try making dumplings, at least, because it's been ages since I had any and they're supposed to be really easy.
  2. Go swimming at least once, because my mom is always saying I should learn to swim so that, in the event that I should fall off a cliff but land safely in the water, I won't drown.
  3. Buy lots of pretty notebooks for next school year, because when I use an ugly notebook I'm never motivated~~
  4. Clean my knapsack, and especially throw out all those mentos and chocolate wrappers that are floating around in there...
  5. Eat a lot protein and do exercise or whatever, because in the last 10 months I've only grown 2mm (aaah! why?? I'm only 15, I shouldn't have stopped growing yet!!!).

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


M'kay, first of all, sorry for not posting anything. It's just that I've been pretty busy with final exams, and my friends, and running away from that dude who's stalking me, and so on.
Also, I started writing a post a few days ago, but it sucked pretty badly.

And even now I don't feel like writing that much, so this is going to be a photo-post, something like this one.

These people you see above are my friends getting ready to ride one of those little cart-thingies where you have to pedal for your life if you want to go faster than the average turtle. This was taken just before... well, we had found this little hill of sorts, and to avoid pedaling so hard we'd go to the top, then pedal down and gather lots of speed.

The third or fourth time, I wanted to take photos of them (this is the springtime of youth, after all. And I want to have photographic evidence that I once had friends) so I got off, meaning less weight to slow down the car.t.. Anyway, they kind of lost control on the way down and almost crashed into a potato chip stand, before very nearly running over an old woman and her grandchild. All of their faces were priceless.

Next! A photo where I have no idea why my hair looks so shiny when you view it full-sized.

A little back story is necessary here. Our Math teacher has the habit of embellishing his classroom. Year after year, students raise money to equip the classroom with a projector, a computer, a printer, two TVs, some lockers, some bookshelves, some special calculators which are apparently very expensive, and so on. Keep in mind that, in the first place, the classroom is not very big. And once it has all those things (and more) in it, it's really pretty crowded. And hot. VERY hot.

So this year the teacher said that it would be a good idea to buy air conditioning (we also have some fans, but they're pretty big and thus noisy, so it's distracting, he says, to have them on during class). So he said that whoever wanted to could work and raise money -we weren't allowed to just dig into our pockets- and donate it.

So what we did was to make exactly 48 mini-cupcakes, take photos, eat them and then make our piggy banks, if you will, regurgitate.