Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The weather matches my mood

which is "stupid".

i.e., the sky is gray and smoggy and gross, and it's raining except not hard enough to be cool. And the bell from the school that I can see when I look out the window just rang, which means that all those little kids full of innocence, and all those little kids who are not innocent because they're pervs even though they're so tiny, have once again returned to the classroom, now that their recess is over.

Although come to think about it, OH MY GOD! A TUFT OF MIST JUST FLOATED PAST THE WINDOW, THAT'S AWESOME BECAUSE MIST IS COOL, it's actually not that bad because MORE MIST!! the teachers in that school won't let you get wet when it rain, HEY, THAT'S NOT MIST, THAT'S SMOKE BECAUSE SOME IDIOT IS BURNING GARBAGE! DO THEY KNOW THAT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE DON'T NEED?? TO SMOOSH THE LAST BIT OF LIFE OUT OF OUR PLANET???!!, they make sure to keep you nice and dry (and bored and miserable).

I know all this because I went to that school for primary, and last year I took an Ecology class.

Right. So anyway, I feel stupid because I just did something very mean to my best friend.

Which means that I woke up two hours after I was supposed to meet her and take her to the University so that we could go to my sister's Astronomy class taught by a relatively famous Physicist who my friend admires a lot. Two hours.

So I called her and said sorry, do you feel like punching me?, how long did you wait?, 45 minutes?? Oh my god, I'm reallyreallyreally sorry!, and so on.

And she wasn't even mad (or wasn't letting it show): hi... punching you? just a bit, not really... it's fine, it doesn't matter... honestly... yeah... ok then, bye.

After which I curled up in a ball and wailed like a dying kitten, or like my cell phone when it's almost out of battery.

You see how sweet that human is? How could I have done such a thing to that adorable person?


EDIT: I just realized that this is post #100!!! Which is kind of sad, that my 100th post is one where I'm telling you all how stupid I am. But still,

100 POSTS FTW!!!


Eduardo Serralde said...

Oh! Congratulations for your 100th post! I've only written 31 so I hope I get that score some day. How long has your blog existed? And don't worry about that "stupid" thing, I suppose you didn't know it was your 100th post, did you?
About the school, is it the "Renacimiento del Sur" one? The one you went and the one 'we' always hated?

Andrea said...


Wow, 31 already? I'm sure you'll get to 100 in no time.
My blog? I've had it for two and a half years, but only use it for two years.
And yeah, it's the Renacimiento del Sur... Although I never hated the 36...

Exiliada said...

ANd you also haven't commented on her vids!!!!