Monday, June 16, 2008

Help, I'm dying of boredom!

Quick, call the post office and tell them to hold my mail!

No, I'm kidding (and I stole that line from Scott Adams. Go buy yourself a copy of The Joy of Work, by aforementioned Scott. Then buy another and send it to me so I can resell it on eBay)

No, what I really need is a big box (not a bag, those aren't any fun) of Belgian chocolates shaped as seashells. Honestly, I tried to think of something else I want, but I couldn't. All I feel like doing is lying on my bed with my iPod, the book I started this morning and a big box of chocolates. Maybe also somebody to feed me the chocolate, because I need one hand for holding the book open and the other one to rest my weary head on. I had the third arm surgically removed, although I've been regretting that more and more recently, especially because I spent all my money on the surgery and now I have to resell books on eBay or a living.

Oh, yeah, my sister gave me a pacifier two days ago and I'm addicted to it now.


NancyKei said...

That doesn't seem to be boring.
That's leisure.

Nancy is writing in english again! =D

Eduardo Serralde said...

Again? Oh, blimey! It's the first time I see Nancy writing in English!

Andrea said...

No, no, it's boring, believe me @.@

Nancy!!! Whee!