Sunday, August 03, 2008


There I was, ready and willing to make brownies. Brownies, so delicious, so easy, so family-pleasing! A new brownie recipe! Yum!

And then 15 minutes later I'm chiseling away the last of the scrambled eggs/ brown sugar/ butter ROCK that fell in love with- and decidedly attached itself to- the poor spoon that had the misfortune of meeting my hand in the cutlery drawer.

Although I must say, the parts of it that hadn't formed into a solid mass the consistency of steel were pretty tasty! Especially considering what it looked like. Something along the lines of fine asphalt, but brown.

Anyway, how in the world (outer space?) did that happen? I've made tons of brownies! And they were all good.

1 comment:

El Gran Maestro said...

Suele pasar... aunque uno tenga experiencia y habilidad en alguna cosa, suele ocurrir que en algun momento fallamos al realizar esa tarea, de hecho hay un dicho que dice: "Al mejor cazador se le escapa la liebre".

Pero no importa, porque seguramente la proxima vez que lo intentes te saldrá bien :P