i.e., it's time to get off my butt and do something
So I dug out through the piles of unmatched socks we've accumulated over the years and found the closest match to Godzilla's skin tone. I was worried at first because I couldn't find any green socks, but then I looked more closely at pictures of Godzilla and it turns out he's not green, he's black. I don't know how I never noticed.
**bragging up ahead**
Also I know I've got the color just right because I have an original Bandai Godzilla figurine hand painted by a Japanese slave (there's a picture on the box of an unhappy man painting a little Godzilla with an eensy brush to prove it. Then there's a lot of Japanese writing with "GODZILLA DREAM" at the end). The color matches pretty well. Actually the figurine is pretty nifty. It's from a series that was made for Godzilla's 50th anniversary and it's an excellent photo subject.
Lovely. But I'm totally off track now.
So I dug up two socks, and looked around the Internetz for helpful instructions. I didn't find much, as it turns out that people don't write about making sock puppets nowadays, and I blame them entirely for the fact that my puppet is crappy and will fall apart before I can show it proper love, see a movie, and have a picnic on the beach with it.
So anyway, I mostly had to wing it. I used this for the mouth, though I modified it as I went along. I'm not actually sure what I did, I just remember there was a point where I stopped mindlessly sewing for a moment, only to discover I was sewing his mouth shut. YouTube and sewing don't mix. I finished sometime in the wee hours of the morning.
Following are three action shots of The Suburban Godzilla Sock Puppet that my dear mother valiantly risked her life to obtain. I don't think I have to tell you to click to enlarge.
After a long day of knocking down pagodas*, Godzilla will often stare off into the horizon, wondering if his true love is out there somewhere, too.
Okay, this next one isn't what you'd call a quality shot, but I'm putting it here so you can see how bad the mouth turned out. As I said, his life expectancy isn't great.
*Get it? Because in the movies he always knocks down a pagoda...