And recently I've found a whole bunch of cheap ones, so...

This one is about protecting whale T-shirts. You see, everyone's always going "Protect the whales!" but who thinks about the whale T-shirts? NOBODY! A bold statement. Also this is wrinkled because I found it in a ball at the foot of my bed, for some reason. I thought it was in the laundry.

DJ Penguin.
I wasn't going to get this one on account of the fact that it says "CUTE", but it has a space bunny on it. With fangs. And a space fish that FLIES.

I love this one. It has it all: a sock puppet, fabric and GODZILLA. Also I was with my sister one time when we needed 5o cents to get on the Metrobús, and some guy lent them to us and said that he was a designer-artist guy and he liked our T-shirts (sister was wearing mushroom shirt that says "I love you very mush")

Can't leave this one out. It has a naked woman on it taking a nap, AND it's a hoodie shirt. I got this at the Haggard concert last week and now that I think about it, I haven't washed it since. It doesn't smell... even though there were hordes of sweaty people smushed up against it. Yeah, I know. Ew. *eyeroll*
I love the first one's description. Hi-la-rious.
But... where's your beard?
Hilarious? Why? Oooh, you though I was *joking*...
Vulcans never bluff.
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