This blog is terribly unbalanced. There's a bunch of loooong, boooring posts and then lots of really short ones with a photo as crappy compensation.
Now, to remedy this I could (and because I love making lists, here's one for you... or for me, rather):
a) Write medium-length, interesting posts.
b) Write interesting, long posts with photos
c) Do whatever, nobody cares
d) Oh, I could write more personal stuff here. That might be interesting
Now, upon analysis of this list, I can conclude the following: a) is too much work. Oh the agony of typing. b)... doesn't actually help. c) is very true. Might go with that. d) is also true, but then you're not supposed to, right? I mean, someone I hate could throw it in my face (or rather, someone who hates me).
So I thought, hey!! I can take the easy way out, and post a picture of every day of my last week of high school. That is, take a photo next Monday, Tuesday, (...), Friday. And post those with a minimal explanation. That might be okay for the time being.
And for now, I'll post something personal. My innermost thoughts and emotions, things I would never want anyone to know, things I would say to only my pillow at night! You know, to switch it up a bit from the usual "Blaaa, I have homework, blaaaa, hissy fit hissy fit hissy". I love the word "hissy".
Anyway, innermost thoughts and emotions. Inner...most... thoughts...
I kinda have to pee.
No! Thoughts! Emotions!
Um, I hope that when I start uni (in about four months, yay) I meet a really cute and hot metalhead that's fun/ny and nice and single. Because then I can nab him. I mean, there's always the possibility that I meet some dude and get a crush on him and so on, but he doesn't like me back. But that's never happened to me before, and hopefully never will.
Oh, wait, did I just jinx myself? Knock on wood! And... throw salt over shoulder! And... break mirror, kill black cat, I don't know what else you're supposed to do.
But anyway, since there's nothing inner-moster (heh, "moster") than talking about relationships, and how you're sooo lonely, etc etc, I can do that.
Actually, I'm not lonely. I'm pretty happy I'm single. In the last few months, come to think about it, I've turned down two people. Three if you count... well, anyways, I'm happy being single. Why get tied down when you can just make out with your friends?
I mean, unless it was a hot metalhead. Then, yeah, tie down tie down TIE DOWN. Just in case.
You know what, this is pretty boring. Personal thoughts and emotions don't seem to be very interesting to me. Not my own, at any rate.
So here's a photo for you.
From when I went to Paris in December. I also pretended to be a hunchback in front of Notre Dame. You know, in case you're interested.
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