Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mad accordion skillz

I haz them.

Well, not really, but I haz accordion, at least.

Yes indeed, a new accordion was purchased today! When I saw it before, I'd thought it was pretty ugly, not to mention crappy quality. But once it was mine, it was suddenly absolutely beautiful. I wonder if that's what it's like when you have babies. All babies are uuuugly, but if it's yours you're apparently supposed to think it's really cute.

Ha! I bet not.

Since it's a pretty bad accordion, if I do say so myself (and I do), upon arriving home it was discovered that it has a broken reed (or stuck or fallen off or something. Anyway, that reed is f***ed up), and it makes this weird kind of... well, farting/stuttering noise when it plays this certain note. The shop was called and an appointment has been set up for tomorrow, so let's see when I can get it back.

Please enjoy a short video I made. It's called I love my accordion but after a few hours I made next to no progress and I think it's pretty hard but not as hard as I'd thought it might be, so I'm going to keep at it and hopefully I can play something really cool in not too much time.

Mother: After You're done fooling around** with your accordion, you should try to learn some actual songs.
Me: I am!! I'm learning The Chicken Dance!

**She didn't say "fooling around", I think, but it was something to the effect of getting acquainted with it and not playing real music.

1 comment:

Bid^^ said...

I think you look so pretty when you're desperate :P...