Bit**ing (biting!) ahead.
Anyway, he apparently went to some crappy high school where he never had to work much, and consequently is finding University pretty tough. Like, he barely knows any Math, he'd never (never!) used a library before –and barely uses it now–, he won't ask questions when he doesn't understand something, complains about easy assignments (or any assignment...), and somehow manages to hand in homework that's less than a page long every single time. On both sides of the page, which is really not redemptive, though.
I mean, I know that's basically not his fault, because he told me about his high school's modus operandi and it seems like they just let them copy & paste things off the 'net and hand them in without reading them. But he shows basically NO INTEREST IN TRYING to better himself vis-à-vis school. I wouldn't really care about this except he:
a) Latched onto me in the first few weeks because I wore metal band T-shirts and was nice to him. And he hates everyone who isn't me or a man. Or who doesn't smoke a lot.
b) Since he latched onto me, he's in my Prokaryotes and Physics lab team.
Which brings me to yesterday in Physics lab, where we had two capillary tubes to put in water and then it ethanol to... observe capillarity.
Yes, I know, totally sophisticated. Moving on!
One of the tubes had a bit of anticoagulant in it, but we never found out what was supposed to happen with it because he used the capillary tube as a straw, sucking water out of a Petri dish. The reasoning behind this being that he didn't want to spill any water when he picked up the dish. Spill water on the table which was already wet, that is.
I don't usually get mad at people, but that really pissed me off. It was partly due to lack of sleep, I think, because in the past it's happened that when I don't sleep enough for several days in a row I roll out of bed one morning and start acting all shrew-y. So I calmly (not) asked him what in the name of hell he was doing, that had anticoagulant in it. Which we need. For the experiment. And you drank it.
To give him his due, once he realized the error of his ways he did express concern. "Oh, that had anticoagulant? Awww, no! That's why it tasted funny!"
If I weren't such a wuss, he'd be walking around with half his teeth knocked out. As it was, I realized I was being shrew-y and permitted myself to be in a bad mood for about 10 minutes and give him the stink-eye.
That's the good thing about not really getting mad at other people much. I can get over it relatively easily most of the time. :/
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