Thursday, October 07, 2010


Today my friend told me that she stayed up really late last night doing homework. She was at that stage where you keep nodding off in front of the screen, and then you wake up and try to read what you just wrote and then nod off again, and do that several times until you've read the same eight words about twelve times.

But, she says, at one point she managed to write through the sleep-wake-sleep cycle, and when she found herself properly awake, she discovered that she had typed up some nonsense about Gram-negative bacteria... for her Philosophy homework.

Something similar happened to me a few nights ago. I had stayed up really late (as usual), and when my mom tried to get me out of bed I remember mumbling, "I can't get up, I'm thinkiiiiing...!". Because I was convinced that I had reached some sort of deeper understanding about cell walls, that this would change our perception of them forever.

Mom didn't buy it, though, and told me I could think standing up. Supportive.

1 comment:

Izzy said...

I have friends who claim to solve math probs in their sleep.