Thursday, December 16, 2010


Backstory: Last night I went to a Christmas party with my old classmates from secondary school (well, about 40% of them, anyway). Several of us slept over. It was a very cold night, and there was a blanket shortage.

So I've been lying on a carpet for about an hour, hitting up the Internetz, thinking about how the carpet smells like feet. Odd, actually, because when I duck my head and take a sniff it just smells like carpet. Just now, though, I realized that what smells weird is my jacket, which I tossed at an ex-classmate last night when he was complaining about how cold it with the intention that he'd shut up and let me sleep.

Apparently it was his feet that were cold. Damn dude.

Get it? It's a wishbone, or whatever the correct anatomical term is (Google says furcula, "little fork", yeah...). When you unzip it, you're snapping it in half! HA! It's totally appropriate for turkey-laden festivities, but you know what other animals have had wishbones? Dinosaurs! Specifically, theropods. And you know what that means... T-REXES!!!!!

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