Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2011 revisited

I went back and read over my 2011 resolutions. I kind of churned them out, one after another, without putting much thought into them. Now that I'm a bit saner, I'll change them up a bit. For instance, I'm eliminating the one about watching Dr. Who. Partly because I've already watched about five episodes (and that's enough for a while), and partly because I just wrote that on a whim.

I'm going to whittle down my list until it's eensy and doable. So:
  1. Get a 9+ average one semester.
  2. Talk to people more.
  3. Make my own school lunches. Healthier and cheaper!
  4. Brush my teeth more often.
  5. Learn to drive.
  6. Stay reasonably informed about the going-ons of the world.
  7. Read 100 books.
  8. Finish a 5k race (and get a free T-shirt from it or something).
  9. Eat 8-9 serving of fruit and veggie a day (I think I have about 5 or 6 currently).
There! That's nice and small.

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