Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pissed. Off.

I feel pissed off for some reason (hormones? lack of sleep?). Grrrawrrr. Not at anything specific, but silly things are irritating me way more than they should. I'm annoyed that the housekeeper covered my desk with clothes and then disappeared, when I was planning to do my homework. I'm pissed off at myself for being too lazy to wash the blender properly after my sister used it, and instead just giving it a thorough rinse; it leaked gross metallic water into my food (I keep forgetting it does that if it's not completely dry).

I mean, what kind of loser gets mad because of things like that? They're not important. Nothing to hold grudges over.


Today I registered and got my photo taken for my voter's I.D. (finally). I'd made an appointment for 10:30 a.m., but for some reason I didn't show up on the appointment list ("Oh, that happens sometimes, just print out your confirmation email"), nor was I sent a confirmation email ("Huh! Well, you'd best take a number and sit down... the wait won't be too long, two hours at most"). So I got a slip of paper that said my turn would be at 12:20. They saw me at 1:40 p.m.

Oh, the whole time there was this fucking kid playing a game on her mom's Blackberry, with loud, annoying music after every level.

I did take a bit of a walk. I bought a box of chocolates for my Systematics class. This is because I forgot to put my phone on silent mode during class, and my Mom sent me a text message. If your phone interrupts the class, you bring everyone a chocolate. Dumb rule, since everyone is too cheap to bring nice chocolate, and bring crappy stuff instead (actually, I've still got my shares sitting around. I should throw them out or give them away or something).

I still feel pissed off. Mostly at myself, for letting myself feel pissed off for no reason.

Oh, yeah, I made cupcakes last night. Vanilla, with amaretto icing.


Oooh, I know! I'll watch British T.V.! That always cheers me up.

1 comment:

big big sister said...

Masterchef australia, or dr who. Or modern family, I suddenly started liking them.