Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Alive again

Alright. I have not written at all, and I am now determined to use this. I'm not sure I actually will, because I am a lazy, lazy thing. But I can dream that I will suddenly be motivated and become a responsible person who thinks sleeping is a waste of time.

Ha. I almost fooled myself.

Let's see... oh, this morning a friend of mine saw a rat at school. We were outside, minding our own business, when she suddenly pointed and said, "Look! A rat!". I thought se meant a girl called Beatriz, who is nicknamed 'rat'. She didn't. I never actually saw it, but some other people did, so I suppose it's true. They say it bolted out of the place where the school stores the food they sell us. Yeah, I know. Ew. Bringing my own lunch from now on.

Ah, the school year is aaaalmost over. Near enough for our hands to begin preparations for hibernating and refuse to write properly, but still too far for the teachers to give up trying to teach. They should know better; anything they try to stuff in our heads at this time usually sort of slips out without leaving a trace. My Chemistry teacher should read this.

And I just can't wait 'till next year. I'm hoping, along with 48 other people, that my Physics teacher will retire and go live the rest of her life in the Bahamas or whatever. She is smart, and hardworking and all that, but she CANNOT teach. Plus, out of every, let's say, ten assignments she gives us, she marks half and forgets the others. Which, of course, is annoying when you stayed up late working on whatever project only to discover that... well, you get my point.

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