This is a transcript of something I wrote at school yesterday:
10:15 am
Today is Student's Day (the one we celebrate at school, not the international one), so to celebrate it the school gives the people of the valley (a.k.a., valley boys and girls) a party. The rest of us have to find some way to entertain ourselves out of their way. Currently I am hiding in the Music classroom. The Music teacher told me to go and jump around in the gym a bit, otherwise he wouldn't let me in.
So I went to the gym with Hania, fellow choir buddy. We sat there. After a while some girl went up to H. and pulled her off to wilggle around ("dance", they call it). I sat on alone, one part boredom, one part disgust and two parts earache from the music.
Oh, and there were three dudes that someone or other hired to wiggle on our excuse of a stage. It made me wonder, how much do they pay those guys to dance for a crowd of about 100 twelve-to-fifteen year-old girls? Not much, is my guess.
Anyway. Horror of horrors, I saw the people who call themselves my friends (well, I call them that, at any rate) dancing in a little group along with some other people in my class. And okay, they were dancing rather decently (with two exceptions who I won't name), but still.
I decided I had been there long enough so I fled. After a little while, H. caught up with me and walked with me to the Music classroom, expecting to gain access. We didn't. The teacher told me that I had to be more sociable and that I go hang out more in the gym.
H. and I set off again. We only stood outside a bit before heading back, though. The teacher gave in and let us in. Then H. headed off to dance again, I believe.
I stayed where I am, pounding a piece of toothpick flat with my cell phone. As you can see, I was bored, so I shuffled to the computer room to see if they would let me use the 'net. The teacher who runs the room (who, by the way, knows less about computers than I do, and that's saying something) said no, I may not use the computers, and how could I even think of shuting myself up in the computer room? I ought to be enjoying myself in the gym!, and so on. I tried the library, too, but it was locked.
So now I'm back in the music room writing this.
And now I'm finished writing what has happened so far, I honestly don't know what to do.
**end of transcript**
For the record, I spent the rest of the day playing music on the music teacher's laptop. I discovered the Carol of the Bells and had it stuck in my head all day.
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