I was on my bed reading and it suddenly hit me that for a while I've wanted to write what it is that annoys me about people, and I finally have time to do it (well, okay, I've always had the time, but now I'm in the mood to do it).
This is not, of course, the entire list. If I ever remember something else to add, I will, I f I... uh, have time.
1. Smoking- That's just dumb. Why do people smoke? Not only is it horrible for your health, but it makes your breath stink. Goodbye lungs, hello cancer.
2. Sudden, fake, attitude changes- When one moment people are "Ooooh, a bald rat-sized dog! With a glittery T-shirt!!!", and the next they are all, "I am dark. Nobody understands me. Life is bla bla bla [insert "deep" thought here]". The best example I have seen lately was a shiny pink website decorated with anime characters in frilly little dresses and big, big, eyes, and a post saying stuff such as "There is a dark side of me nobody knows. They do not know the real me. I am different. They do not understand." No, I don't understand you, confused little person. Pick a personality and stick with it.
3. People at the movies- You've been looking forward to watching this certain movie, and you've finally got the chance to go see it. You get there nice and early, find a good seat. But- horror of horrors- you discover you have to share the theater with either one (or several) of the following:
a) People who won't shut up, even when everybody yells at them (sometimes this makes them erupt into giggles, which is even worse- and that leads us on to the next one)
b) People who won't stop laughing. Once I watched a movie which I absolutely loved next to a large man who snorted to himself at all the serious parts
c) Large groups who don't pay attention to the movie
d) People who can't refrain on commenting on the movie
e) People who sneeze/cough/snore a lot
f) People who brought along small children to a movie where it is obvious that kiddie will get bored and, depending on the age, can cause all sorts of disturbances, including (but not limited to) crying, complaining, asking loudly for something (usually candy or popcorn), climbing all over, etc.
There are more, but I have to go to the orthodontist.
How about "people who forget they don't have school on a Monday morning and make you wake them up long before dawn for nothing"?
Well.... that doesn't annoy me... and I only did that once, anyway.
But thank you for the suggestion and the comment.
Damn!!! me odiarias por el segundo punto...
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