So ANYWAYZ, I was sleeping in my seat but awoke with a jolt about two minutes before my stop. (Which rocks, because I've seen people do that on, say, the metro. They'll be snoozing away, and suddenly wake up and get off at their stop. I share the sixth sense! Dang, I'll bet I've jinxed it now) When I woke up I made this surprised, sleepy noise. Not a grunt or anything, but "HUUNH???" and I guess it was a bit loud because the girl in front of me turned around and stared at me for about ten awkward seconds.
If I don't write down these little anecdotes, dumb/monotonous/boring as they may be, I'm afraid one day I'll wake up and I'll be 64 years old and won't remember anything about my youth.
Although I hope that If I'm ever 64 and read this, I won't feel bad because present me thinks 64 is old. Hello, me of the future! Don't worry, you still have some fight in you. Possibly.
Hey, Future Me, are you rich? You could probably afford some nice stuff now. Oooh, if you have money you can go out and buy some nice scented candles. Yum. Oh, wait! What if I lose my sense of smell?? Better buy the candles now.
Oh, future me, is my sexy bookshelf still around? Doing strong? GOD, it's going to be almost a half-century old. If it survived, that is. I can't imagine it giving in to anything. That thing is SOLID.
Darling, your lack of facebook makes it so hard to keep in touch with you! That's why I love that you are updating your blog an a semiregular basis instead of less than once a month! I haven't read this entry yet, so off I go.
I think... you need a long, long loooooooooong time to sleep XD
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