I kept on thinking I saw him twitch in the coffin, or breathe. Really, I could have sworn I saw him breathe a few times. I had the feeling that he was going to open his eyes, look around and get up, annoyed that everybody was crying when he had explicitly said he didn't want anybody to be sad or to dress in black, because he had been happy man.
Everybody said he looked peaceful, and a lot better than when he was in the hospital. I didn't get to see him those last few weeks, because they don't let underage people in to see the patients. I can't tell you how much it sucked to sit on those little uncomfortable chairs/the floor in the waiting room the whole day, reading. Being the only one who couldn't visit.
I told my sister about the twitching-and-breathing thing, and she frowned and whispered angrily "Lalli!". Like I'd suggested we bury him with a sick hamster or something. Sometimes I think she'll grow up to be a little old sour lady, too- the kind that glares at you when you sneeze at an inappropriate moment.
God, I got sidetracked. Oops.
So, anyway, this is goodbye to my grandfather. Bye-bye. I love you. Take care, wherever you are, if you are anywhere :'(
Oh, my God! I'm so sorry about it.
I offer you my condolences.
These things happen and there's nothing we can do about it. Anyway, there is where we all are headed for.
You just be strong and live life happily. :)
Quizas las palabras no bastan para decirlo pero... de verdad lamento mucho lo q paso, comprendo lo q es perder a un ser querido pero como ya lo dijo "Mausito"... es algo que no esta en nuestras manos remediar, de todo corazon te quiero dar tambien mis condolencias. Por como lo mencionas puedo saber q tu abuelito era una gran persona...
El vivira en los corazones de quienes lo siguen queriendo y recordando.
Thank you, gracias...
Bueno, murió feliz, así:
:) <- abuelo
Oh, Nee-san... I'm sorry so much.
I'll give you my condolences
He passed away happy, ne?
so surely he'll be fine.
Rest in peace.
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