Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Give me a B!

Doodee doodee doooooo....

I'm bored. b o r e d e r o b

B...reakfast today was cereal
O...n my bed I sleep at night, or whenever I feel like it
R... is a pirate's favourite letter (get it? "arr"?
E...very day I eat more Nutella than I should (great stuff, great stuff)
D...ownstairs my sister yells and slams the fridge door

This blog is going downhill. You hear me? Downhill.

I was bored yesterday, too, so I watched the second hand tick its way around a clock for five minutes, just because I could.
Oh, no, wait. Yesterday I played board games and watched a movie with my cousins.
Then it must have been another day.

And another time, I satayed in bed until, like, two o'clock.

It's pathetic, I need school to pepper up my existence and make it worthwhile ( "make my existence worthwhile"? God! I sound like an emo teen! Or just a teen)

Friday, July 27, 2007


I got the results for my entrance exam today. You know how much I got? No? Want me to tell you? Yes? ...no? You don't care? Oh.

Well, anyway, and merely and simply for the record, I got 118 out of 128.
And for reference, the average was 64.



On another note, two guys tied in first place, both of them with 127. They're both going to UNAM schools (but not to mine, so that's ok :D )

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Well. That's it. I'm not a secondary student anymore.
I graduated yesterday.

Side note:
Ughhh, I feel all woozy because I ate too much for luch; I had about half a box of crackers with cream cheese, and veggie mix, and fish with more veggies, and a coffee, and a nectarine. And three popsicles. I can feel my skin stretching to form a little belly to accommodate the food :S

Right. I graduated. Uh.. there's not much to tell, actually. I can't seriously say I'm going to miss my school all that much; actually, the last few weeks I was getting pretty sick of it.

Friday, July 06, 2007

I see London, I see France...

I just had to write this real quick...

M. E. Serralde, read this and die of envy:

My sister went on a trip to Europe on behalf of her school, along with some of her classmates. She called today; she went to Paris and they saw Emma Watson!

Apparently they were just walking around on the street and they were a few meters apart; Emma looked at their group and smiled.

And then one of the guys in her group went up next to her as she looked at a painting and said, "Ah! C'est Picasso, eh?". She looked at him all, "Ummmm...."

Sunday, July 01, 2007


I was just looking out the window a few minutes ago, and saw my dog sleeping by the door. I couldn't resist and took a picture of her; she looks like the Firefox logo. Sort of. In my mind.