Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chewing gum and dancing (don't choke!)

More pictures of my classmates, because some people were bugging me to do so, not realizing that whatever purpouse it is that this blog serves, it is not for stuffing with photos of my school with descriptions along the lines of "This is a photo of that time when such-and-such happened, it was really funny, heehee, you should have seen it, because it was really funny, hee, it was funny, really!"
Perhaps that was too mean.

Anyway, here are a select few.

**Note to my parents: Skip this next bit**

This is the wall of gum. It is, as the name might suggest, a portion of wall which we have been covering with gum. Really, all the work that's gone in there! When we first found the wall, it was ugly, drab and covered in graffiti (and bad graffiti, at that). But thanks to the amount of time, money and effort we have put into it, it is now a colourful piece of youthful expression, and it brightens our day to be able to collaborate to make the school a more beautiful and modern place.

Next we have a picture of the gum wall and one of its co - founders, Josue, who over time has realy become the father of the project: he's the one who collects money and buys boxes of gum with it, distributes the gum, helps with its placing on the wall, and actively participates in discussions concerning its future. How to make it last for years to come? How to mark it to indicate it was a product of our generation? He is very happy, as we all are, to be a part of this piece of art, our brainchild.
Wait, did I just say we covered that wall in chewing gum? I meant... uh... the afternoon kids did it. Those young hooligans! Always up to all sorts of tomfoolery, them! Someone ought to teach them a lesson.

**Note to my parents: Okay, you may now resume reading**

May 10th is Mother's Day in Mexico. So to celebrate that, the school has a little festival sort of thing where all the third year students dance traditional stuff. I, however, don't have to because I'm in choir, and our teacher said he needed the dance time for choir practice.
So far there hasn't been any choir practice.
So that leaves me some time to laze around and take videos and photos of my darling classmates. :)

Click to enlarge:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

You ate what, again?

Today was Erendira's, one of my best friends, birthday -she turned 15- so to celebrate we brought some cake (well, Nancy brought the cake. The rest of us brough plates and milk and the like) to school.
When somebody brings tasty stuff specifically for sharing with others to school, it is not uncommon for people who are not really your friends but just casual acquaintances to drop by for some food. This is not good, because you might count the whole class as casual acquaintances. We're 48.
To avoid this, we waited until recess, and then went to a secluded area where people seldom hang around, and it worked well, seeing as only one o two people tracked us down. That was at the doctor's office.
We were in the middle of singing Happy Birthday when the doctor popped out. Then he went away, and a few moments later reappeared with a stack of paper napkins and a knife to cut the cake (which we had forgotten).

"Aaah!" we exclaim gratefully.
"You can use my office, too."
"Would that be okay?"
"Sure! ...just don't let the school counselor see, ok?"

We all pile into his office, and cut the cake (it was really yummy, by the way). By the end of recess we were finished, so we hastily cleaned up and left a piece of cake and a little carton of milk on the doctor's desk as a thank-you. No fork, though, because we forgot to bring any.

The whole office thing sort of redeemed the school doctor in my eyes.

Redeemed, you say?
Well, yes. I'm not really the right person to say if he's good or bad at the job, but there is one habit of his which is... well, I'll give you some examples.

Once, my cousin hurt her finger (I think it got caught in a little accident involving a door) and it was quite bad. When she went with the doctor, he peered at her through his glasses and asked,
"What did you have for breakfast?"

Another time, my cousin was in Math class. The teacher asked her to "go to the doctor's office and get me some eye drops". When she returned, it was not with eye drops, but with a message:
"Uh... he says, 'What did you have for breakfast?'"

One of my friends was ill (she had the flu or something) and I accompanied her to the doctor, because of the school's rule that if you're feeling woozy, you can't go alone, in case you fall over dead on the way and there's nobody there to sream and faint (or run for help, it depends). The doctor determined that she should go home, so while the call was being made, he turned to me.
"So," he says conversationally, a smile on his face, "what did you have for breakfast?"

It isn't really endearing.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The city (Mexico City, if you're too lazy to read my brief profile- but "the city" has a certain ring to it) has reportedly been besieged by fuzzy animals who seek revenge on the human race for all its cruelties. The Apocalypse approaches: be prepared.

No, really. A lemur climbed onto a bus and bit the driver's daughter.

UPDATE: False alarm. It was just a kinkajou (Paris Hilton had one once, and it bit her. But maybe that's just coincidence- if I were the kinkajou, I most certainly wouldn't pass the chance to draw blood from her with my little fangs, especially if she had named me "Baby Luv". Although, then again, she might decide I'd look better as a handbag).