Saturday, October 02, 2010

Disadvantage of living in Mexico City

It took me 30 minutes to get to school this morning, and 3 hours to get back. Most of them I spent on the bus, sandwiched between fat ladies who thought they could squeeze into spaces where they clearly couldn't.


Eduardo Serralde said...

Pfff... I suppose you were in the bus exactly at the rush hour. Bad timing! I suggest you to take the bus one or two hours after you get out of University. And, of course, you're not the only one that has passed through that annoying situation.

Andrea said...

Oh, yeah. It's just that I had to get home to write an essay and make my birthday cake (which my mom ended up doing 95% of, heh), plus get enough sleep to get up early the next day... and I wanted to stay to work at school, but the library closes at three (I got out at 3:30)


Yeah, it sucks that we always have to make each other uncomfortable on buses. It often happens that I'm squashed up against someone, an I can see they're annoyed because my elbow or knapsack or whatever is poking them but I can't help it. But when I make eye contact and say sorry, I can see the pissed-offyness kind of melt of their faces when they know that I'm aware I'm poking them, and I'm sorry, but can't help it. Same thing happens to me.