Monday, January 17, 2011


Yesterday I jogged not 3, nor 5, nor 7593756 kilometers, but 10! Or possibly 12, I'm not sure. Let's split the difference and call it eleven.

ELEVEN!! YAY! That's even MORE than ten! And a bit of a relief, because I did that after sitting around on my bum all week and not doing much of anything.

On other news, on Saturday (since I slept in and didn't go to the gym, hee hee*) I started to organize aaaaaall of our books.

We have lots of books. Lots.

So I made huge piles on the floor of:
  • childrens' books
  • very young childrens' books
  • science fiction/fantasy
  • young adult fiction
  • classics
  • mystery/crime novels
  • war novels
  • popular science
  • Canadian/Mennonite history
  • books about Mexico
  • books in Spanish (to be properly sorted later)
  • books about housekeeping
  • books about woodworking
  • dictionaries
  • teach-yourself-[some language or other]
  • books about translation and teaching English
  • regency novels
  • reference books
  • chick lit
  • books about writing
  • how-to books
  • (auto)biographies and memoirs
  • textbooks
  • software manuals
  • classics
  • general fiction
  • religion (Bibles)
  • religion (reflections on)/philosophy/poetry
  • stupid books to be hidden in a cupboard**
  • books in German (no idea what they all are)
And others that I'm forgetting about (yes indeedy, those were only the ones I could remember off the top of my wee head), as well as several piles that belong to a specific author or series (such Harry Potter, which we have like 17 copies of in different languages, PLUS companion books. It's not like we ever read it in French, I don't know why we don't just have a bonfire one night and burn the repeats***).

It's pretty cool– and useful– that my Mom has read the vast majority of our books, because she can tell at a glance which category pretty much any book should go in, although this gift can also be a bit annoying at times ("That's a historical young adult science fiction crime novel!"). But I guess it's only fair, as I also have a little pile of books that don't have a blurb on the back and I can't tell from just glancing through what genre they are, so every so often my Mom gets bombarded with,

"Where does this go?"
"Oh, that's a fun read! It's about [summary of plot]"
"But where do I put it?"
"It could be adult, or young adult, or even childrens'"
*Blank sheep stare* "But where do I puuuut iiiiit?"

Also, it turns out my Mom really likes her mystery novels, and intentionally bought four copies of this one book which she says she really, really likes. "To give away," she said, "because it's so good!".

And one last story: one time, years ago, my sister let her hamster loose in the bookshelf. Before we knew it, he had chewed up our ancient copy ofAnne of Green Gables, among other unfortunate volumes. Maxie chewed up a book too, recently. My Mom is going to trade it away this weekend at a bookswap. Ha. She said it was badly written anyway.

*I'd better not write so much about exercise, or I'll come across this when I'm 86 years old and get sad because by then I'll probably be old and frail. And I'll remember back in the day, when I was young, and get teary-eyed and then go on a cruise and fling myself into the sea in a fit of desperation. Ha! Just kidding, I'd never do that. Cruises are so expensive.

**Including books from the series of Sweet Valley, Full House, Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, and a few select others.

*** Just kidding. I'd never damage a book on purpose. Except maybe the Twilight series, which is lousy, IMO. I wouldn't mind toasting marshmallows over those.

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