Monday, July 04, 2011

Summer Holidays, Book 25

My summer vacations started about a month ago, and there's still another month to go. That's actually a lot of vacation time, a fact that my Biochemistry teacher quickly noted and whined about. He likes to complain about the school administration, not without reason. Anyway, the weeks scheduled for final exams were free time for me, since I only wrote one final (and did okay).

My grades this semester were the best I've had since middle school, and while I'm not really sure how I managed to scrap a 9 in Algae & Protists, I'm not questioning it. I'm terrible at algae (nasty, slimy, stinky things) but am just fine with protists as it turned out. Anyway, my overall average is like 8.6 or 8.7 now, which is not mediocre. Hurray!


I spent the first few weeks of my holidays socializing, but then stopped answering text messages, e-mail and Facebook inbox thingies. See, I like other people and all, but get tired of them very quickly. And then I get all sad because I'm all alone (yeah, I know, it's my fault. Whatevs).

Some friends from my first semester and I held a Lord of the Rings movie marathon. We tried to do one last semester, too, but ended up watching Disney movies because half of the attendees strongly objected to reading subtitles. Instead of watching Aladdin with the others, I helped the host cook dinner by repeatedly flinging pasta onto his ceiling until it stuck there and I had to ask him to unstick it (this guy is really tall). See, I don't care for kids' movies*.

Anyway, we planned a LotR marathon with the extended DVDs, but decided that this time non-subtitle-lovers would remain uninformed of the event so as to avoid Disney-hijacking. So it was just me, two friends, a guy that tagged along because he had a crush on me (let's call him Crush Dude for now), the host and his girlfriend who came over later in the day.

Funny side story, Crush Dude poked me awake in the wee hours of the morning before leaving and asked if I wanted to go out later.

Crush Dude: So... you want to go out later today?
Me, bleary-eyed and wanting to go back to sleep: No.
Crush Dude: Oh. You sure?
Me: Yes.
[Crush Dude stands there for several seconds. Goes away.]

I mean, who thinks it's acceptable to poke people awake unless it's necessary? That's rude, right? Blah.

Back to the movie marathon, though: history repeated itself, and we ended up watching only the special features for the second movie and Disney's UP. I don't mind UP because I like the dog and the kid. And the bird.

I'm not sure I'm being totally coherent here. I think I'm just skipping around subjects randomly. I just hope that when I read this in 40 years I'll be able to know what I meant at the time.

The next morning it was just me, the host and one of the aforementioned friends, because everyone else jumped ship. So the three of us had breakfast (well, I had tea and they had Corn Pops with crushed Oreos mixed in. I'm not sure if any of that is a real breakfast) and then vegged out playing video games. I managed not to lose all of the time– I was competent! Even when we were joined by the hosts 15-year-old brother I managed to mostly not lose. I consider my video game abilities to have reached their peak.

* About kids' movies: They bore me and I don't like the humour (it's all crass and slapstick-y). The exception is Brother Bear, with the commentary by the comedian dudes who did the moose's voices. I watch that... every two or three years.

Book time! Yay!

Book 25 was Bill Richardson's Bachelor Brothers' Bed & Breakfast

Lovely book. It went perfectly with this summer, which is RAINY AND MISERABLE. I don't mean to say that the book is miserable –it's really good–, but rather that it made me go on walks out in the rain and appreciate the crap weather instead of staying in bed and being mopey.

Seriously though, what up with the weather? It's s'posed to be SUMMER, for f*ck's sake!

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