Saturday, July 29, 2006

Back home, hurrah!

Yesterday we got back from Mooseland.
The wildlife count ended in:
17 squirrels
4 rabbits
1 groundhog
0 chipmunks

It's strange, though, that there were no chipmunks. Every other time I've been there, I saw a few. And this time? None. I even went on walks and stuff to look for them, but no luck.

It feels really weird to have a real keyboard again; for two weeks we used a laptop. Also, it was an English keyboardette, and I usually have a Spanish one, so my fingers got all mixed up. Also, I kept on hitting caps lock when I tried to type an "a", because of the tinyness.

And our dog... oh my precious doggie! She went wild when she saw us! Her ear were plastered back on her head and her tail was wagging uncontrollably and she kept on running around everywhere because she wasn't sure whether to let us scratch her and be happy or to show us what a good dog she was by sitting in her chair.

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