Friday, January 11, 2008


Oh, this sucks. I'm back in school, and I've only had one decent night's sleep (well, almost decent. I didn't actually get eight hours, it was more like six and a half, plus a half-hour nap on a couch in a moment of weakness).

Anyway. This year I thought instead of making resolutions, I would make predictions. That way, I won't feel guilty when I don't accomplish anything.

Predictions fro 2008

1. I will keep on being a freak-magnet (out of four guys I've accidentally attracted this school year- that I know of, anyway-, three of them were twits. It's not that much numerically, but think of it this way: that's 75%)

2. I'll teach my friends to play Mancala.

3. I will grow 5 cm, it's now or never. I WILL GROW.

4. Oh yeah you're pretty good looking... for a girl, my future's wide open. But this feeling's still gonna linger on until I know everything I need to know now! *dances on the inside*

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