Thursday, May 22, 2008


Often I'll sit down and start writing a post, only to never finish it or decide I don't like it... or, in the majority of cases, get distracted and leave it hanging mid-sentence so that by the time I get back to it I can't remember what it was that I had planned(ish) to write. Actually, about one-tenth of the things on my post-list page thing are drafts. Huh.

Thus, for your enjoyment, I have dug up a few old posts that never actually made it and sat around labeled as drafts.


From January 11th:

Oh, this sucks. I'm back in school, and I've only had one decent night's sleep (well, almost decent. I didn't actually get eight hours, it was more like six and a half, plus a half-hour nap on a couch in a moment of weakness).

Anyway. This year I thought instead of making resolutions, I would make predictions. That way, I won't feel guilty when I don't accomplish anything.

Predictions for 2008

1. I will keep on being a freak-magnet (out of four guys I've accidentally attracted this school year- that I know of, anyway-, three of them were twits. It's not that much numerically, but think of it this way: that's 75%)

2. I'll teach my friends to play Mancala.

3. I will grow 5 cm, it's now or never. I WILL GROW.

4. Oh yeah you're pretty good looking... for a girl, my future's wide open. But this feeling's still gonna linger on until I know everything I need to know now! *dances on the inside*


What I can say about those predictions, so far, is:

1. True, true, true, TRUE! School year now officially over, the final results were 10 guys total, out of which:
-80% were, uh, not welcome
-30% were stalkers (one especially gets an honorable mention for being a pest)
-20% were successful

2. Failed, so far

3. Up till now, I've achieved 0.5cm. Only 4.5 to go!

4. That's a piece of a White Stripes song I was no doubt listening to at the time and that I am listening to again, right now (Yeah, you're pretty good looking, for a girl, but your back is so broken. And this feeling's still gonna linger on, until the year 2525 now...!)


From December 27th, 2007:

I was just looking through some suitcases my Dad left on his bed and I found some really yummy Japanese chewing gum. It's like, lemon-mint or something. Mmm.


Man, that was good gum.


UPDATE: I was sitting here, passing the time with my good old iMac and a great big jar of Nutella when my Dad popped by and was like,

"I was reading your blog."


"... 10 guys!"

"... hn."

"But one of them seems to be keeping you very busy!"


"Is he nice to you?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Good, good." And he ruffled my hair.

Because obviously the rest of the post doesn't matter AT ALL, and actually neither does the blog for that matter. Nor, you know, the fact that I went through his suitcases.

Which is not that bad.

Actually I think it was more like my Mom was reading the blog to him, because I distinctly heard "Pancakes, not pancakes. Oh, no, it's 'pancakes', not pancakes. Heh! Did you hear that? Jorge? Pancakes!"

Damn, a mosquito bit me. Byotch... oh, there it is! ...

... mosquito-byotch has been terminated (that, or it made one hell of a fast getaway and is now living in Texas under a false name)


Eduardo Serralde said...

Eh! Good post, it's been a long time since you don't write a post like this one.

Sometimes is good to go looking to the old posts (they say "remember is living again", or something like that...), although sometimes it's not good because you remember how you used to be before and, if you were such a bad person, you would get dissapointed (that happened to me when I visited my old blog).

About the photo... mmm... eh! I saw one of the flanges (is it "flanges"?) and it read: "Las Crónicas de M.E. Serralde"... THANKS!
Er... other thing... oh, yes! Do the Apple computers work better than Windows'? Is it the same system? XP I have never seen an Apple comp.

Eduardo Serralde said...

I was writing my first comment with inspiration and when retuned to your blog I see that this post is already UPDATED!!! ¬¬

Eduardo Serralde said...

Oh! I forgot one thing (see my inspiration?)...

Andrea said...

lol, it's also been a while since I've read such a long comment! (whee, gotta love long comments)

Flanges? Maybe that's another word for them, but I only know them as "tabs". Oh, that's right *squinting*, it's your blog... see? see?? I DO read it!

About the whole Apple/Windows debate, personally I thought I liked my old PC better than the Mac when I first got it, but when I used the PC recently to get some old files, it was... well, I realized the Mac is definitely more user-friendly, it doesn't crash as often, and frankly it's more fun to use (and prettier, for that matter). The only real disadvantage is that there seem to be a lot of people who venerate PCs and will use any opportunity they get to pummel you virtually because you're such a mac-using moron and all.

Moving on!

So we were both writing at the same time? Cool!!

Mancala is a game which is going to be kind of hard to explain here, so google it is you want to know (the Wikipedia article isn't that good).