Thursday, May 22, 2008

Holiday goals - progress report #1

Progress on goal No. 1:

"Cook food. Actual food, not just brownies and cookies and so on. I want to try making dumplings, at least, because it's been ages since I had any and they're supposed to be really easy."

Yesterday I made pancakes! Which is not baking because they're made on a stove, yay!!!
Although maybe I should say "pancakes" instead of pancakes. Because...'s not really what you'd call a pancake, under normal circumstances. Even though they tasted ok.

I don't get it, though... last time I made them, they were pretty, even, golden, round and delicious...

Oh, well. Next I'm gonna try dumplings!

1 comment:

Eduardo Serralde said...

Hmm... :(... I haven't done any of my goals yet...
No, wait! I did one: "buy Narnia 2 soundtrack"... :)