Wednesday, June 18, 2008

TRUE! story

Today I am going to relate to you a tale of ... of how awesome some people can be.

Once upon a time, almost two decades ago, there was a woman walking along the street. This woman in particular happened to be pregnant with a kid who was going to grow up and eventually be my sister's loving boyfriend (at the time, my sister was also a fetus), and that's why I'm telling you this. I wouldn't know this story otherwise.

So anyway, she was walking along and hailed a taxi, which promptly stopped and opened the door for her to get in. Before she could, however, a young woman zipped past her out of nowhere and into the cab, where she sat down, gave our main character a satisfied smirk, and them motioned for her boyfriend to join her in the taxi. This, of course, is something only a jerk would do.

At this point, said young woman is about to learn a very important lesson, which goes like this: never EVER do that again. Because our heroine pulled her out by the collar of her shirt, punched her in the face with such sheer force that the little creep actually fell down, and then got into the taxi, sat down, and told the driver to take her home.

The taxi driver exclaimed excitedly (and this is a direct quote): "¡A huevo, señora!" . I'm very sorry, but I can't translate that. The meaning is something along the lines of "Wow. You are a very cool woman and I admire you for what you just did. You rock!"


Eduardo Serralde said...

Wow! What a brave woman!
So, this really happened?
Je je, I enjoyed this part in which he says: "A huevo!". Although sometimes the cab-drivers are not so kind, but seeing that it's a question about a pregnant woman... well, amazing (true?) story.


P.S. Hey! Remove that "word verification" thing.

Eduardo Serralde said...

Oh, by the way, good new background.
Last night I saw the phrase in your MSN:
"new blackground! *celebrtion*"

So, good background. It suits your blog style. XD

Eduardo Serralde said...

It was... *celebration*.

Andrea said...

Yes, 'tis all true. Word verification will be removed with all due speed.
Thanks. I like this background better that the squares one :)

Dumdeereeree dum dum