Sunday, September 07, 2008

Puru puru

I don't feel like connecting thoughts much today, because I'm tired. On a weekend. This is abominable, it should not be!!

Today I went with my friends to see a play for school, and after that we walked around... we went to a museum, 'cause two of my friends had to for some class or other... then we were hungry.

We went to a supermarket and bought crackers, tuna and salsa. Oh, and iced tea. And then we ate them all outside the supermarket while people walked by at us and gave us the evil eye, mainly because the bottle the tea came in made it look a lot like whisky (accentuated by the fact that we were laughing like hyenas in pants). In fact, when I went back in to the store to get more crackers, my friends had to fend off and old drunk guy who wanted to steal our tea.

(crapcam photo)

How is it that I can listen to a song over 70 times in a day? My iTunes play count thingy must be faulty, teehee.

Mmmm, cheddar cheese crackers! YUM!!

I currently have a tuft of hair on the right side of my head that insists on sticking up, because it's shorter than the rest (I cut off a bit and made a guy think I'd snipped it from the bit that he's letting grow long... TOTALLY worth the puffy head it resulted in)

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