Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shoes (my, how original)

This morning we were all having breakfast together (a rare family moment: my sisters, my cousin and my mom... oh, wait, my dad wasn't there. Well, close enough to a rare family moment) and my mom said she wanted me to get some "elegant shoes".
And I was all, "I still have those you got me for the wedding, remember? They still fit" (BTW, those are two years old now. Huh.)

Except my mom said that those are white so they wouldn't go with a lot of dresses or something. Which is kind of weird, 'cause I though white was supposed to be one of those magical colors that goes with everything? And then I remembered, oh, no, those shoes are bone coloured. Which apparently isn't the same thing.

I don't know what's gotten into her lately... a few months ago she made me buy some "presentable shoes" because all I had was two pairs of Converse and the aforementioned not-white pair. I pointed out that one of my pairs of Converse is fancy, but she said they didn't count. So I went out and got some shoes.

And on Sunday I was out with my dad and we looked at fancy shoes, and it turns out he knows a LOT about shoes. He told me stuff about the accents on them, and the material they were made out of and styles and stuff like that. Which kind of creeped me out but at the same time was very cool, because my dad isn't the sort of man you'd look at and think "Hmm, fashion diva!". Not that he doesn't dress well or anything, it's just, you know. Weird.

Actually, I keep on finding out stuff about my dad that I never knew before. Like, he can make avocado cheesecake. How awesome is that?

Anyway, we didn't end up buying an shoes, so my collection remains as following, badly photographed with the assistance only of a friendly mirror:

Normal shoes

Fancy normal shoes

Presentable shoes

Unnecessary shoes


Eduardo Serralde said...

It is really weird to go shopping with your parents, well, I only do it on Christmas ('cause they're the ones that are going to pay.

I like your shoes, especially the Unnecessary ones (even though I've never seen you in them).

P.S. I'm writing from the computing classroom at school! And they haven't scolded me! :P

See ya.

Andrea said...

Yeah, unless it's grocery shopping :P My dad wanted me to help him buy a case for his iPod, to make sure he got the right one and stuff.

I must admit, the Unnecessary shoes are kind of fun sometimes; they make me tall(er).

Aww, I was watching YouTube once at school and the woman that was in the computer room saw me and went all insane. :(
