Saturday, February 05, 2011

Tragedy strikes! & book 2

Remember how I was happy because my Organic Chem teacher was a total babe? Yes, well, yesterday he stepped into the classroom as we were sitting around waiting for him and went,

"Hey guys, I have some problems with my schedule, so I won't be able to teach this class. Albert here will do it instead. Bye!"

And left. Trodding on the shards of my broken, useless heart as he went :'(

Albert (I think that's his name) is a gangly guy who looks about 19 years old, and was through no fault of his own destined to be the object of my hatred for six months. He snatched away my hottie teacher! But he redeemed himself within the hour because it turns out he's a really good teacher. Really good.

Such is life. At least I'll be able to pay attention in class instead of drooling like a dope.

On other news, I finished my second book of the year, Meg Rosoff's Just In Case. It was good, but I didn't find it spectacular or anything. It felt a bit off, but I guess that was the point since the main character appears to be insane. I suppose it was just that I couldn't quite identify with him, never having had the experience of going to the butcher's and witnessing the skinned rabbits singing at me.

Although yesterday on my way to school I passed the butchery just as they carried in some pig heads. Those things are HUGE.

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