Sunday, December 07, 2008

If I ever have amnesia

If you aren't me, don't read this, you'll get bored. BUT! If I ever have amnesia, make me read this. I would just save it as a draft, but I'm guessing I wouldn't know my password if I did have amnesia and therefore wouldn't be able to look at it.

Hello there, memory-deficient self of the future! Let me fill you in: you're reading about yourself. You're sixteen, and currently you hate a guy named Banana Jerome; yesterday you went to a Scout meeting with your friends and have three bruises: one on your left knee, one on your left bicep and the last one just below you lip, which is incredibly fortunate because it's huge and red but just looks like a shadow. In fact, you were looking in the mirror a good five minutes this morning, putting on sunblock as you tend to do, before you saw it. And then you went HRRRRNNN?? WHAT DAT??

Let's see... for the sake of accuracy (just in case! Don't want to create any false memories) I'll put in some serious stuff. Let's see...

Your closest friends are Eri, Elia, Mariel, Abigail, Wiskas, Daniela and Nancy. You've known Eri and Nancy since secondary school. You were all in the same class last year, except Nancy.

Your dog is Maxie. She's been with your family since you were in grade two, and she got named that because the day we got her, your teacher read your class a story about a cat and a horse that was really boring. You didn't pay attention (very unusual, back then). All you remembered was that one of the animals was called Maxie, and the name fit. It's embarrassing to admit this, even more so on your blog (the things I do for your well being!) but sometimes you think about her getting old and dying and you kind of cry a bit.

Your sisters are Irene and Isabel. Isabel is Izzy and older than Irene, who is Reenie. They both seem to like you, but can't stand each other very long. Reen starts snapping at Izzy, who will then take it too seriously and get all sentimental. They both had issues at some point and that affected you a lot. That's why you don't like it when people say they aren't happy with their body and get scared if any thought like that crosses your mind at all.

Your parents are Margaret and Jorge. Once you asked Mom why she always says "Jorge" and not "George", and she said it was because he doesn't like it. Mom made her own wedding dress. She trained you to give back massages, as far as you can tell, for the sole reason of the benefits of receiving them. Dad likes working with wood, and whenever he uses the big saw-table-thing in his workshop you always freak out a little bit and worry that he'll hack off a finger. Once Dad told you that he's never, ever taken off his wedding ring and that made you feel happy and fuzzy inside.

Your family calls you Lalli because your second name is Citlalli. You just figured that out, like, four or five years ago. You used to hate cats, but now you're starting to understand them a bit more. They still hate you, though. Once a kitten peed on your only black T-shirt, and ever since then you've always made sure to own several black T-shirts. You like to read but don't seem to have much time for it anymore. Ditto watching anime.

You always have a lot of trouble making new friends when you go to a new school, and usually don't like a lot of people at first if you meet them all at once. You blush really easily. You slump. You've lost a few cell phones, but never iPods. You hate smokers.

Your favorite toy is Ricky, a stuffed raccoon. He's fat and flat, and when you first saw him you threw him repeatedly against a wall because you didn't like the way he looked. Then you felt guilty and made a place for him in your bed, and somehow he became your favorite. You collected stuffed (toy!) raccoons for a long time after that. He's sitting on your bed right now.

You've never been in any near-death situation, unless you count that time when you still lived in Canada and you fell down the stairs because you tried to push an upside-down footstool with Poly in it down the stairs, except it got caught on the carpet. It didn't hurt, as far as I remember. You were puzzled when you reached the bottom and looked up to see Mom crying. You've never broken any bones, either. Only twisted an ankle, when you were six or seven.

You haven't had rhubarb pie or cream soda for years, and they hold a special place in your stomach's heart, along with sauerkraut, tofu wieners and Hamburger Helper. Also those fudgesicles Mom used to make.

You like learning French but hate Italian. It's ugly. You love the way Portuguese sounds, but wouldn't like to learn it. You want to go to Switzerland, especially the Alps. Your favorite Disney princess is Aurora, even though all she ever did was dance with squirrels and sleep, and never so much as lifted a finger to contribute to the happy ending. Your favorite Disney movie, though, is the Beauty and the Beast; you hate the prince's transformation scene because he looked loads better as a big furry lump of love. You hate how every Disney female has a waist as thick as her arms. Cinderella looked about twenty times better with her hair down.

Okay, I can't think of anything else to write (I mean, I can, but nothing I feel like writing).

Whoo, thee posts in one day!


Eduardo Serralde said...

I am really impressed of your three posts. I already read the three of them and, what's best, I have commented them all.

This one was my favorite. It's like a self-biography and with this you make clear a lot of things.

Is it the ending of your blog marathon?

Andrea said...

I'm quite impressed. I wasn't expecting anyone to read them all, let alone comment (thank you!). I'm glad you enjoyed this 8D

Whoo, yeah, the marathon thus draws to an end. Now I don't have to blog for a week, hahaha.