Sunday, December 07, 2008

December, three years old

Ah, December. Time to make Christmas cards for all the classes with stupid teachers who like to waste our time (coughGreco-LatinEtymologycough). Homework is homework, though, so I spent about two hours today building a pile of paper snippets on my floor, making paper snowflakes.

My mom came in about an hour later and pointedly and daintily lifted her feet over all the paper snippets, notebooks, papers and miscellaneous stuff I have lying around, only to stumble over R2-D2, who was standing at his usual post (at the foot of my bed, wearing his green necktie).

On the subject of R2, my Dad seems to think that when (um, if!) I move out within the next few years I won't be taking all my Star Wars stuff, or at least not R2. To which all I can say is: WHAT?? Why on earth wouldn't I take him?? It's R2-D2, for god's sake! If it's a matter of space or something, well, I can sleep in a chair. Anyway, he's not that big. Takes up about 30 square cm on the floor, although in reality he belongs on a pedestal.

Lookin' shmexy!

Oh, yeah! My blog turned three yesterday! Wow. I created it on whim, and I'm really glad I did. I mean, I read through old stuff now and then, and everything just comes back really clearly. Little memories that would've drifted into oblivion otherwise.


Eduardo Serralde said...

Your R2D2 is great!

I was watching my old toys (found them in a dusty box and didn't know they were there), and I said: "what a nostalgy!! :(". And that made me think: "what am I going to do with all these things? Should I give them to poor children? Should I sell them? Nah, let's keep them twenty years more".

The first things I'll pack within my suitcase when I move out are going to be my toys. I won't allow my mom to throw away all the things that gave me so many happy moments.

*Loved that "(um, if!)" hahahahaha!

Andrea said...

Yeah! The same goes for old clothes, like ancient pajamas or T-shirts that stopped fitting ages ago...